Home / Our Fields / Pozo Manuel
Pozo Manuel
Pozo Manuel Farm is located at the north of Hermosillo, Sonora, MX in San Miguel de Horcasitas. A land that belonged to Cubillas family, a family that left a legacy as great cattle ranchers, they named this region as “Pozo Manuel”.
This farm was acquired in 2009, it has a microclimate that is characterized by its sandy semi-desert soil and little presence of clay, optimal for planting table grapes. During 7 years we have worked to change the plants for new improved grape varieties, there are sown 23 varieties of table grapes, all with high sugar content, special taste and extraordinary quality.
The administration of this field is in charge of Arturo Hinojos, who manages a great engineering of drip irrigation and several sophisticated processes where each drop of water is taken care of to guarantee that the plants receive all the necessary nutrients and the optimal use of the available natural resources.