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Social Responsibility Recognitions

Fairtrade International (audited by FLO-Cert)
Fairtrade is a product certification system which certifies in a strict manner the areas of trade, social and eco-friendly harvesting. All of this according to the Fairtrade Criteria for producers and the buying and selling according to the Fairtrade Trade Criteria. Fairtrade is an effective tool to combat poverty and a trusted ally for producers, companies and international organizations, focusing on a fair and stable prices system for the products, long-term business relationships and social development of workers protecting their basic rights of health and safety, freedom of association and collective bargaining agreements, the prohibition of child labor, slavery and discrimination.

FAIR TRADE CERTIFIED USA is a social and environmental certification with a focus on the U.S. market. Products bearing this logo come from farmers and workers who are fairly compensated.
Fair Trade helps farmers in developing countries build sustainable businesses that positively influence their communities.

One of Fairtrade / Fair Trade Certified USA criteria is to build a committee (Joint Body/Fair Trade Committee) who represents the work force and which is democratically elected by them to administrate a Premium which is the overprice that the clients pay to support social development of farworkers. The way of investing the social premium is regulated by both certifications which should have a social focus for direct farworker benefit, their families or their origin communities.
Grupo Alta Joint Body has launched the following programs.
- Scholarship Program, consisting of providing scholarships to children of workers from primary level to University level, to promote the study among children of farmworkers.
- Housing Program, consisting of providing financial support to employees who wish to make minor repairs to their homes with the purpose of improving the living conditions of workers.
- Dental Special Treatments Program, although Fundación Alta provides free dental health services to Grupo Alta workers, there are other dental treatments that are out of Fundación Alta scope so this project aims to improve the dental health of our workers through agreements with dentists and laboratories to low costs of dental works but also financial support of 75% of the cost for expensive dental work which normally they can’t afford.
- Healthy Sight Program, which aims to improve the sight of our workers through agreements with opticians to low cost of lenses but also a financial support of 75% of the cost for this lenses.

The “Empresa Agrícola Libre de Trabajo Infantil” distinctive (Child Labor Free Agricultural Company in English) aims to promote the adoption of best labor practices in agricultural companies of the country and avoid in a systematic and permanent way the use of child labor in the farms and/or internal processes such as production, distribution, marketing and service.
This distinctive is a management and organizational model that allows agricultural companies that hire farmworkers the following:
- Establish measures to prevent the recruitment of child labor in their areas and processes.
- Have rules, guidelines and criteria for the implementation of actions in favor of the workers and their families.
- Show compliance with laws, rules, regulations, national and international agreements, quality and social responsibility standards in force.
Grupo Alta obtained this distinction for the first time in 2010, the same year that was launched being one of the fist companies to obtain it.
We’re committed with our clients; every year we are audited and certified by certification bodies that validate that our operations comply with the highest standards of the agricultural industry of food safety and quality.
The certifications that we currently bear are:

GLOBALG.A.P. is a set of rules on good agricultural practices (GAP), internationally recognized and primarily designed to reassure consumers trust about the way the agricultural production is performed by minimizing the impact of the environmental exploitation, reducing the use of chemical inputs, ensuring the health and safety of workers and a respect for wildlife.

Reducing Contamination Risks Systems Award (SRRC for its acronym in spanish)
The SRRC award granted by SENASICA (short name of the National Service for Health, Safety and Quality Agrifood in Mexico) is given to companies or producers who comply with the provisions of the measures and procedures established by authorities, ensuring that during the process of primary production the vegetables are within the optimum health conditions so the products can enter new markets and maintain the established ones.

PrimusGFS is a private system that establishes requirements for the certification of agricultural products on a voluntary basis worldwide.
This system is focused on food safety of those agricultural products intended for human consumption either fresh or if they have been minimally processed (no transformation).
PrimusGFS sets 3 fundamental areas as requirements for the production managing, handling, processing and storage operations, among other conditions that should be considered to ensure the safety of consumers. These areas are:
- Food Safety Management System
- Good Agricultural Practices and Good Manufacturing Practices (GAPs & GMPs)

México Calidad Suprema (Mexico Supreme Quality in English)
It is an official seal that ensures health, safety and superior quality of Mexican products. The brand known as Mexico Calidad Suprema seeks identification and differentiation of products that meet the following provisions: Mexican Official Standards (NOM’s), Mexican Standards (NMX) and International Standards in a reliably and transparently way for the benefit of growers, packers, distributors and consumers.

The United States and Mexico through their FDA and SENASICA entities in 2002 established an agreement whereby imports to the United States are resumed for Mexican companies that comply with sufficient food safety and health requirements.
Grupo Alta is one of the 7 companies authorized through this agreement between FDA and SENASICA for the export of cantaloupe melon to the United States.

Organic agriculture is a system that protects natural resources such as soil, water and air, through farming methods consistent with the environment, without the use of organic-synthetic pesticides or chemical fertilizers. This results in healthier fruits for consumers.
The accreditation granted certifies fruit production under strict organic standards of the NOP USDA. Similarly, our products are regulated under the provisions of “Regulation EC 889/2008″ of the European Union as well as JAS for Japan.

The compost we make and use for our organic production is OMRI Certified. The Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) is a national nonprofit organization that determines which input products are allowed for use in organic production and processing.
OMRI Listed® products are allowed for use in certified organic operations under the USDA National Organic Program.

The production of organic crops entails an enormous responsibility for Mexican producers, because in addition to being carried out under strict food safety standards they must also be backed up by a guarantee that endorses them.
In Mexico, to be able to market them, they must comply with the norms established in the Law of Organic Products and have the seal “Orgánico SAGARPA México”; it is a self-adhesive label of green, blue and yellow colors that provides the certainty of being a product of quality, health and food safety.
With the objective to collaborate with U.S. government in its work against terrorism and also to expedite the exportation of our products to arrive in less time for our customers, we have the U. S. government recognition to use Fast Lane and also our transportation suppliers.

It is a joint initiative between the U.S. government and the private sector which aims to build cooperative relationships that strengthen the security of the entire supply chain and border security.